Introduction to Astrology: Your Big Three
Saturday Janary 25th5pm - 6:30pm
1233 Commerce Ave LONGVIEW WA 98632 US
We will go over some basics and then delve into your big three! Discussion will focus on Sun, Moon, and Rising signs and how they effect our chart and personality.
Can I take notes?
Taking notes and pictures is encouraged. It will help you to stay on track and provide you with a reference when you need it throughout the coming year. Keeping a journal of your readings, both personal and professional, is a good habit if you are just beginning or if you have practiced for years! I have always found it best to keep a seperate journal for your readings outside of your diary, grimoire, or book of shadows. Plan ahead and bring a pen or get supplies in the shop before your reading!
This class is held every few months, as River's schedule allows, therefore, you are encouraged to arrive early and stay for the duration.