New Moon Community Meetings
Sunday nearist the new moon
1239 Commerce Ave LONGVIEW WA 98632
unless othwise planned
This group is to build our community reach and make friendships. We will make goals and go over how we are progressing. Each month's new moon will dictate general discussion and planned activites.
Can I take notes?
Taking notes and pictures is encouraged. It will help you to stay on track and provide you with a reference when you need it throughout the coming year. I give each new member of the group a small journal for keeping track of your goals and each month's discussions. Plan ahead and bring a pen or get supplies in the shop as needed!
Community Meetings are once a month on the Sunday nearest the new moon, therefore, you are encouraged to arrive early and stay for the duration. Each meeting will have a new focus. The size of the group can lead to meetings running short or long.